During Tuesday's Harvey WMA meeting, I was asked to discuss habitat management activities that should be performed during the spring and summer months. It later occurred to me that I had calendars in my truck that contained much of the information I presented. I had intentions of giving them out, but forgot. So, I wanted to let you know where you could get that information for yourselves.
Clicking on the title of this post will direct you to Texas Parks & Wildlife's Private Lands Calendars in PDF format. This calendar contains "Habitips" in addition to beautiful pictures and information about TPW's Wildlife Management Areas.
I also highly recommend you take a look at the Texas AgriLife Extension's Wildlife and Fish Management Calendar for Texas and the Southeast. This is a full-color calendar that will teach you how to manage your property for wildlife and fish, but also when to perform critical management tasks. It contains information on how to improve fishing in your ponds, understand population dynamics of your deer herd, age deer in the field, select supplemental forages for wildlife, etc. A PDF of this calendar can be obtained from http://tcebookstore.org/ where it can also be purchased for $7.95+ tax and shipping.

For those of you managing green-tree reservoirs and moist soil unit wetlands for wintering waterfowl, go to http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/publications/pwdpubs/media/pwd_pr_w7000_1179a.pdf. TPWD's East Texas waterfowl biologist, Corey Mason, has put together a one page wetland management calendar of recommended activities.
I've included 3 great resources for wildlife management guidelines. However, all 3 provide only general guidelines. If you need more information about any of these activities and how to apply them to your properties, please contact me.
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