Thursday, April 24, 2008

Aging Deer Using Tooth Wear and Replacement (Jawbone Method)

I'm sure everyone remembers every detail of what to look for when aging deer using jawbones. Hopefully you were even paying close enough attention to my presentation that you noticed (as my wife so graciously pointed out to me) that I misspoke a few times by instructing you to look at the 4th tooth to determine if it was tri-cuspid. Just in case you don't remember everything you saw and heard in my presentation on Tuesday or weren't able to attend the meeting, click on the title of this post to view a full-color PDF brochure titled "A Guide to Age Determination of White-tailed Deer" published by Texas Parks and Wildlife.

Remember that recording the age, weight, gender, presence or absence of lactation, and antler measurements of all the deer harvested on your property each year is vital to determining the health of the heard and their habitats and directing future harvest and management recommendations. Use the information provided in this brochure and the one you received on Tuesday to age the deer you harvest next hunting season. If you need a refresher course or some jaw bones to practice on next year, please feel free to contact me.

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