Monday, August 24, 2009


We at the HWMA are very fortunate to have Tim Siegmund as our new TPWD Biologist.  The HWMA officers met with Tim and are all excited about getting things rolling for 2009 - 2010.
The following is a short bio from Tim.
Name:  Timothy Siegmund
Age: 25
 Married to Kelsey, 22


Born and raised in Giddings, TX

graduated from Giddings High School in 2002

Attended Stephen F. Austin State University starting in Fall 2002, graduated in May 2007 with a Bachelor of Science in Forest Wildlife Management and Minor in Biology.

Spring 2007 began graduate courses toward Masters degree in Wildlife Management
Research focused on Habitat Suitability and Occupancy of Three Northeast Texas River Systems for Black Bear

Research was conducted over summer 2007 and 2008 taking vegetation measurements and setting up genetic hair snagging stations for black bear

Research covered 210,000 acres over 2 years along the Red, Sulphur, and Cypress River basins

Obtained 1 genetic sample of black bear hair, and helped locate pictures of up to 3 different other bears from game cameras

Habitat was deemed suitable for black bears

Other wildlife experience:
Worked in Pennsylvania capturing, banding, and resighting bird species on reclaimed mining lands, also located and monitored nests

Worked conducting prescribed burns in East Texas and Louisiana

Taught Intro. to Forestry and Intro. to Wildlife Management labs at SFASU

Assisted in bird monitoring study and vegetation assessment at Gus Engling WMA in Tennessee Colony, TX

Numerous other weekend and day trips: deer captures with net guns, small mammal trapping, mist netting for birds, and other activities

Hunting (dove, deer, and ducks are my favorite), fishing (bass or bay fishing at the coast), rugby, football, baseball, birding, photography, plant identification/botany

In high school was in band, student council, varsity football, baseball, and power lifting

While at SFASU played rugby for 4 years with SFA rugby team: voted team MVP 3 years and served as team vice president 3 years

Won Association of Southern Forestry Colleges Wildlife Identification competition 2005, 2006, and 2007

Captained Wildlife Society Quiz Bowl team 2006-2007 at Texas Chapter of the Wildlife Society Meetings

I am currently working as regulatory biologist at the College Station office for Texas Parks & Wildlife Department and my free time is spent trying to finish writing my thesis to obtain a Master’s degree.

I was recently married in July to my wife Kelsey, we have two dogs, Aussie (Australian Sheperd) and Charley (Lab mix).
I am currently commuting from Giddings, but plan on buying a house in the College Station area when my wife is through with school.

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